Common Questions - SyncPlay


Common questions

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Can I broadcast in addition to the A Voz do Brasil program, also the Free Electoral Time?
Yes, you can stream any content just by configure links and start and end schedules.
If for some reason there is a power outage, failure or blackout to establish power and the computer “has” configured in the BIOS to start (turn on) automatically, SyncPlay will start next to the OS.
If the internet is interrupted mid-stream, establishing a connection will simply continue streaming without any problem.
The program A Voz do Brasil is broadcast through 7 links directly from Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC). If one of these links fails or stops transmitting, SyncPlay will automatically switch and connect to the next link and so on...
SyncPlay will simply follow the programmed schedule. If the broadcast schedule has reached its end time, SyncPlay will not continue playback. If the option (recover the last channel played) is not active, OU will play the next scheduled schedule if (it is at the time) within the scheduled event.
No need to make a new purchase (purchase), just access the link: Machine ID and ask to change the Machine ID.
After purchase, you must register access and get in touch via WhatsApp.
Your SyncPlay license has expired or will expire soon?! To purchase the renewal is very simple, just access the purchase link.
If you don't remember your password but you know your LOGIN, just reset the password through the link: password.
Whenever necessary, we release a new update through the server SyncPlay Broadcast Software and these updates are automatically downloaded and installed when they become available.

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